Supporting greens innovations
Harnessing the power of technology to combat climate change. The greens economy has problems. Greens Token can fix them.
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What is Greens Token?
Greens Token is an on-chain solution to unite purpose-driven individuals, organisations, and startups to incentivize collective actions and support innovation that will secure our planet to create a sustainable and equitable future for everyone.
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Latest News
Greens Token Announces to Plant Trees: “Let’s start plant trees, it is the season”
With the increasing awareness about environmental issues and the urgent need to address climate
Montreal and Izmir Hit by Forest Fires, Urgent Precautions Advised for Summer 2023
Montreal, Canada - Forest Fire Alert: In a shocking turn of events, Montreal, Canada,
“Summer Forest Fire Alert: Exercise Caution and Greens Token Supports Reforestation Efforts”
“As summer arrives, authorities urge vigilance against forest fires, while Greens Token mobilizes support
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